Thursday, November 22, 2018

Reasons some people respond so offensively to intactivists

As an intactivist, it helps to understand these things to approach people with empathy:

  • If it was done to them, they don't want to think of themselves as damaged.
  • If it was chosen by their parents, they may want to defend their parent's decision. Plenty of people rightfully want to protect their parents.
  • Some desire to protect the routine as a part of their religion. Challenging any part of one's religion can be very scary. People don't want to be an outcast among their religious group.
  • Some don't want to believe they made the wrong choice for their own child.
  • Some want to believe that their doctor and/or medical system has told them the truth.
  • Some are medical professionals that can't even consider the possibility that they have been performing a procedure (or supporting a procedure) that hurts people.

This may be redundant, but this helps explain:

As an intactivist, I keep this stuff in mind and not take it personally.