Monday, September 4, 2023

Intactivism is disorganized, or is it?

Some say that intactivism needs to be organized better.  I say that it is as organized as it can humanly be.

The main reason that it appears so splintered is because of very different opinions (and knowledge) about the impacts of genital cutting as well as what to do about it.

I'm not going to get into the impacts here, but there are MANY things to do about it and different groups are focusing on just one or two of those many things:

Protest/demonstrate - let society know that we exist.  Bloodstained Men, Intaction, Cockfight and others do this.

Educate - Your Whole Baby does this with a website that approaches the topic in a way that attempts to be friendly (a difficult thing with such a contentious issue).  Your Whole Baby, and others, also host information booths at events such as baby expos.  We shouldn't need to do this, though - educational institutions, religious institutions, and healthcare institutions should be providing the information.  We *all* need to apply pressure on the institutions we personally work with.

Lobby government - ask government representatives to make laws.  Intaction has a separate arm ( that has been taking this on in their state.  We need one in every state.  Healthcare in the USA is primarily handled at the state level.  However, some local governments (e.g. Austin, TX) do establish laws related to medical practices.

Get in the NEWS - The various organizations typically get into news media, some local, some national, some podcasts, etc.  One individual had the thought to push (instead of waiting for them to pull) information to the NEWS.  That individual created Next Level Intactivism and claims to have influenced the NEWS to cover the movement more.

Provide emotional support - Your Whole Baby, NORM (National Organization of Restoring Men), 15 Square, Intersex organizations, and others have been doing some things to support those of us who become distraught over the losses due to being genitally cut.  There remains much room for improvement here.  Most sexologists, psychologists, and counselors (not all) that I have spoken with are supportive.

Litigation - "US legal defense and education funds have been responsible for some of the most influential human and civil rights court cases in history" (credit: Dan MacClymont from GALDEF).  GALDEF (Genital Autonomy Legal Defense and Education Fund) is an organization that I co-founded with Tim Hammond and several others.  Litigation certainly has not started with GALDEF, though.  There are many ways that litigation can impact this movement.  William Stowell obtained a settlement for his non-therapeutic genital surgery because his mother was dealing with the effects of anesthesia when they got her to sign consent forms.  The Lavine family (see has mounted litigation.  Myself and some others have taken steps "pro se" (without legal representation) to attempt to cause changes.

Is there room for improvement?  ABSOLUTELY!  Probably always will be until leaving people's genitalia intact when they are children becomes the norm.

Is any of this easy?  ABSOLUTELY NOT!  All of these things involve time, risk, emotional stress, and funding.

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Equating Genital Cutting

 It seems that many people see male "circumcision," female "genital mutilation," and intersex "normalization" as different things.  When discussions are happening about one, bringing up another is called out as "equating."

Are they equal procedures?

Of course not.  Neither are the different types of male "circumcision," female "genital mutilation," and intersex "normalization."  YES, there are different types of ALL of those.  Is one more harmful than another?  Of course, they are, but do we need an Oppression Olympics?

Are they equal in the sense of ethics and human rights?

My stance, as well as many scholars, is that they absolutely are.

Thus, when someone says "You can't equate those," you can say "From an ethics and human rights perspective, I can."

Sunday, March 5, 2023

Why I Share the Status of My Children's Genitalia

I get criticized for telling the world that my sons are intact (not "circumcised").  Of course, that criticism always comes from people who defend genital cutting, but I am still compelled to explain the many reasons that it is important for me to share.  And, I DO get that many people don't want those images in their heads.

Yes, it is THEIR genitalia and THEIR lives that are exposed (also proves the point of genital autonomy), but I'm exposing something about myself like it's a badge.  Some people put things like "PhD," or "MA" after their name.  I used to put "MCSE" after my name.  If there was an official acronym for what shows that I have done the study, I would likely use it.

I think that a parent who truly loves their child will do anything for that child; and, I have TWO.  So, what about sharing that is doing something for my sons?  Multiple things:

1. I made absolutely sure that it was best for their physical health.

So many have gotten this belief that if a human male is not "circumcised" (prepuce amputated) that they are definitely going to have problems and that there is no harm in doing it.  After years of second-guessing myself, I kept digging.  I've only come to realize that is something people tell themselves to justify the practice and that the truth is actually the opposite.  In other blogs and vlogs I've explained how the cognitive dissonance of those in the cutting cultures is extremely deep.  It ultimately comes down to having a higher chance of having problems because one less body part is removed and there are several body parts that have higher chances of problems and are unnecessary body parts.

2. I am doing everything I know to make sure that it was, and is, best for their mental (including social) health.

In some cultures, being "uncircumcised" is severely looked down on.

For instance, in the Philippines, nearly all adult males are cut.  I recently come to find out that they are often given options about how they are cut, though.  So, in that sense, they are better than those who cut babies.  However, they have a derogatory term for those who do not get cut:  "SUPOT."  If we were living in that part of the world, I would be exposing them as "SUPOT."

In certain tribes of Africa, mobs of men will literally tackle a man who has avoided getting cut and cut him right then and there.  In the U.S.A. I believe that the mob would get charged with sexual assault and battery.

I'm very thankful for the Internet and social media as it allows more discussion on this topic from people in both cultures who cut as well as those who do not.  I know my sons can respond to anyone who attacks them (hopefully only verbally) that they are the ones with normal dicks and that the attacker is culturally conditioned.  However, I'm still not satisfied.

As much as I don't want males who were cut as babies/minors to feel bad about their status, I want my sons to feel lucky and proud of their bodies.  I want them to feel confident as they go into the world as adults.  I also want the people who are missing part of their genitalia to speak up so that the next generation gets to keep all of theirs.

Therefore, until people stop needlessly cutting the genitalia of children, I'm going to continue advocating for my sons and the next generation across the globe.

John Adkison with sons

Monday, February 20, 2023

People Do Not Care About Ending Sexual Abuse

 I decided to put up a survey on Twitter to see what people think.  I spent a little over $50 to promote it to make sure I wasn't getting just my followers (who probably agree with me).

Over 86K views!  I don't know, may I should have said "survey" instead of "thread of polls?"  I figured this would catch some attention, right?
Not so much!  Only 397 votes on the very first poll!  This tells me that people just don't care.  Why not?!  I've come across tons of women who are victims of rape.  I would think that certainly, they would care enough to participate.  Out of 86K I would think I would at least get 4-digit engagement!

I started off with something that I would think would get a 100% "Yes" vote.  Surprisingly, no.

I figured that FGM might get some "No" votes considering that there IS a certain percentage of the world that prescribes to female "circumcision."  Let this be evidence that at least 6% of the world is OK with it!
The child molestation makes me feel good, but, I imagine those who might click "No" are too afraid to as who knows what law enforcement is watching.
The forced marriage results blow my mind.  How is it that more people vote "Yes" for child molestation than forced marriage?!
I'm suspecting that most people don't even know what Tuli does and what age the boys are.  But, still, boys are less "sensitive" than girls, right?
Looks like intersex people have a lot of work to do still.
I'm really not surprised.  Are you?  It's better than I would have expected 4 years ago, though.  We're making progress.

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Squirrels With No Tails

On a beautiful island in the middle of the ocean exists a tribe of squirrels.  The squirrels are all fat and happy.  They sing, dance, and play every day.

When a baby squirrel is born, they perform a ritual where they name and cise them.  "'Cise' - what's that?" little Johnny Squirrel asks.  

Doc Squirrel replies, "That's where we remove the after-body."  

"Why do we do that?" little Johnny Squirrel asks.  Doc Squirrel replies, "It's cleaner, reduces chances that it will cause us problems, and our leader told us to remove it."  Doc Squirrel continues, "Besides, it just gets in the way."

One day a ship arrives.  It has individuals on board that look just like those that are on the island, with one exception: They have big bushy after-bodies!

Little Johnny Squirrel is the first to meet them.  He asks, "What are those big things at the end of your body?"  

One of the visitors replies, "You mean our tails?"  

Little Johnny Squirrel responds, "Is that the same as your after-body?"

The visitor responds, "I guess you could call it that."

Little Johnny Squirrel says, "We remove those from our babies."

The visitor responds, "Why would you do that?"

Little Johnny Squirrel echos all of the things Doc Squirrel told him.

The visitor responds, "We don't have much trouble with all of those things and when we do, we just take care of it."  The visitor continues "Besides, it actually helps us."

Little Johnny Squirrel says, "How does it help you?"

The visitor says, "Well, it makes it easier for us to jump and keep our balance."

Little Johnny Squirrel retorts, "No!  I don't have my after-body and I can jump and balance JUST FINE!"

The visitor responds, "I'm sure you can, but can you jump and balance as well as I?"

Little Johnny Squirrel retorts, "I'm not going to compete to find out, that's just silly!"

The visitor asks Little Johnny Squirrel, "Do you know what cognitive dissonance is?"

Little Johnny Squirrel says, "No, what is that?"

The visitor explains, "It's when a person is presented with information that conflicts with the information they already have in their brain."

Little Johnny Squirrel says, "Are you saying that is what I have?"

The visitor explains, "It seems so."

Little Johnny Squirrel exclaims, "My parents, ancestors, and leaders wouldn't be removing it if it wasn't a good thing!"

The visitor responds, "I'm sure they wouldn't, but, do you know what Stockholm Syndrome is?"

Little Johnny Squirrel responds, "No, what is that?"

The visitor explains, "It's when one has positive feelings, like love for someone who harmed them.  It's very difficult to accept that someone you love and supposedly loves you would cause you harm, isn't it?"

Little Johnny Squirrel responds, "So, they were harmed by the ones that love them and they were also harmed by the ones that love them; it's just a circle that goes back to the beginning of time!"

The visitor responds, "Exactly!"  The visitor goes on "So, don't be upset at those who removed your tail, just end the cycle with you."

Little Johnny Squirrel, in excitement, exclaims, "I have to go tell my parents!  They are going to be thrilled that they don't have to remove after-bodies, I mean tails, any longer!"

A little while later, Mayor Squirrel tracks down the visitor and exclaims "What poo did you fill Little Johnny Squirrel's head with?!"  Mayor Squirrel goes on "We are just fine without our after-bodies!  We have been removing them forever and we will continue to do so!  Go back to where you came from!" 

The visitors leave out of fear for their lives.

Little Johnny Squirrel attends another ritual where they remove another tail from a baby squirrel all while thinking, "Gosh, I would really like to know what it's like to have my tail!"

*The End*

Oh, were you expecting a happy ending?  Sorry, the adult squirrels weren't brave enough to have an honest conversation.  Fear rules the day.