Wednesday, July 15, 2020


Credit: Daniel Rold

I must be UNcircumcised?  Because I don’t think it’s smart to cut children’s genitals? 
That’s your insult? 
No I’m not UNcircumcised. 
SADLY I’m UNintact. 
Damn I wish I was UNcircumcised!
I went to the doctor as an infant when I was UNsick. That quack cut off the UNcancerous, UNgangrenated, UNfrostbitten, entirely UNdiseased UNdeniable BEST part of MY penis. 
Yet that POS is still UNdecapitated!
And I’m UNintact, UNwhole, UNlegally protected from medial rape, parental extortion, medical lies and lure and utter medical UNcompetence! 
I would UNlive someone to be UNcircumcised. 
You UNintelligent mother fucker! 
Do you UNderstand? 
People who cut torture and knife rape kids should be UNder arrest and UNfreed and UNable to be anywhere near a child and the world will be a far better place when the last child mutilator is UNderground!

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