Saturday, October 6, 2018

Why more circumcised men aren't complaining

Why do so many men seem OK with the fact that a highly functional and valuable part of their body was removed during infancy?

First of all, how many of the circumcised men even have the slightest idea what foreskin is?

If they're like I was for the first 35 years of my life, they probably think it's just "extra skin" that's problematic.  They don't teach anything about it in sex education.  Even anatomy books that doctors have do not go into detail.  An old AAP statement did more than the doctor's anatomy book that I looked at, but they removed the information even though it is no less true today than it was then.

Guys don't talk about their junk, either.  Women talk about their genitalia more than men do.  I'm not attempting to be homophobic here, but, homophobia is a reason; and, even the guys that aren't, think talking about their junk is just weird.

Don't guys miss it?

Why would they?  Imagine being born without something that so many other people have.  This something would have to be hidden from most people's view most of the time.  Even those born without limbs or with some deformity are going to notice that everyone else has a "normal" body.  Heck, in the USA, it's the other way around considering the number of men without foreskin.  This can make circumcised seem "normal."  It's the reason so many people say that someone with their foreskin are "uncircumcised."

And, if they do know what foreskin is?

Even after I started learning about what foreskin is, its functions and benefits, the harm that does as well as the harms that may come from not having it, I didn't completely realize it all for several years.  Just because you read, watch or listen to something doesn't mean that it's all going to click right away.  And, even as the realizations came, I had to go through the stages of grief (look them up if you don't know what they are) as they happened.  And, since I didn't realize all the impacts all at once, I had to go through the stages repeatedly.  And, there's no time clock on grief; it takes as long as it takes.

Even if a guy does know, you think he's going to be brave enough to face the public about it?  Not likely.  Men aren't supposed to complain; it appears weak.  And, hey, you can urinate standing up and have sex, right?

After I personally got through all the realizations, the grief and thought through all the fear, I finally realized that I have to be an intactivist.  It's not about me, it's about the next generation.  It's about those baby boys getting their foreskin ripped off every day!  No, they aren't starving to death and that's an important issue too.  But, this is an issue that I understand well.  It's an issue that I'm well informed about and can speak from personal experience.  Something I really think I can have an impact on.  Thus, it is my DUTY to do so.

Here's another good essay on the topic:

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